5 bundles into 5 different variables

Hey guys,

So what i’m trying to do with this automation is scrape 5 different blogs, and add each to a different variable. When i check for variables, I’m only getting one bundle from Feedly. How can i scrape the other bundles as well and add them to a variable?

Welcome to the Make community!

From what I understand, you want to use the same bundles in a single operation?

Every result (item/record) from a search/match module will output a bundle. To “combine” them into a single structure, you’ll need to use an aggregator of some sort.

Aggregators are modules that accumulate multiple bundles into one single bundle. An example of a commonly-used aggregator module is the Array aggregator module.

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So Feedly outputs 5 bundles, and in every bundle there is a link to an article. What I want to do is scrape every article and put each one of them in a separate variable.

But the automation is scraping only one bundle.

Please send a screenshot of your scrapio module. Lets see what you are mapping there for the link to the article.

You should use the outout from Feedly 27 not from where you are using it taking it from module 38 not sure what this is unless you send a full screenshot.

That is why you are not taking in from the 5 bundles you are scraping.

okay not sure how, but it changed to 38.

Can you share the output bundle from feedly


it’s a very long output of the bundles

That’s is ok. I Need it sent to help more.

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“title”: “Scientists are closer than ever to deciphering the secret language of sperm whales. AI could be the key.”,
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“content”: “Researchers at project CETI are harnessing the power of AI to decode whale-speak.”,
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“href”: “Martech Will Drive Digital Customer Engagement”,
“title”: “How Martech Will Drive the Next Generation of Digital Customer Engagement”,
“author”: “MTS Staff Writer”,
“source”: {
“url”: “https://www.martechseries.com/”,
“title”: “MarTech Series”,
“streamId”: “feed/MarTech Series
“visual”: {
“processor”: “feedly-nikon-v3.1”,
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“width”: 2300,
“height”: 1300
“created”: “2024-07-25T08:56:25.967Z”,
“summary”: {
“updated”: “1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z”,
“keywords”: [
“Customer Data Platforms”,
“Customer Experience Management”,
“Marketing Automation”,
“Privacy and Regulations”,
“Staff Writers”,
“AI assistants”,
“AI Assistants and Voice Search”,
“Analytics tools”,
“AR and VR”,
“consumer behavior”,
“content management system”,
“customer data”,
“customer engagement”,
“customer relationship management”,
“Customer-to-Community Engagement”,
“Customer-to-Company Engagement”,
“Customer-to-Content Engagement:”,
“Ethics and Data Privacy”,
“Generative AI”,
“Improved Customer Retention”,
“Increased Customer Satisfaction”,
“Indistinct Identities Between Intention and Reality”,
“marketing automation”,
“Streamlined Customer Journey”,
“Transparency to Foster Trust”
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You didn’t give me everything but from the two bundles you gave me I was able to complete this.

You need to use the source.url from feedly not the address.

The output was too long and i couldn’t add it all because it had link and my account is new so my bad. The source url is scraped but how do i add each scraped article to a separate variable?

As sam said you need to use an aggregator after your scraptio.

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