Add a note feature not working

Within all my scenarios, and on every module in any scenario I cannot execute ‘add a note’.
The function will simply not respond.
I have logged out / rebooted / logged in. No change

Any ideas how I can get this feature activated?

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Hello @PaulMarc_Jet-A1, welcome to the Make Community.

Could you please try opening your scenario in an incognito window to see if the issue persists?

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I have logged in incognito. Still unable to add a note.
I can right click / edit note (where a note exists). But cannot make any new notes.
[I always opt into websites with minimum possible cookies, can this be a clue?]

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Hello again @PaulMarc_Jet-A1 , thanks for confirming that you’ve tried logging in in an incognito window.

I see you’ve already created a support ticket with our Customer Care team, which is a great step. They have the necessary tools and access to fully investigate and assist you with this issue.

Thanks a lot :pray:


I am having the same problem. Any news on that? Mac user here. Tried safari & Firefox …

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I switched to Chrome browser and the issue cleared.
Something is unstable with my Firefox, even inside incognito option …


Well that sucks … but thanks for the hint. Chrome works fine with me too.

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