Adding Duplicate Values Present In Google Sheets To Monday Board

Hello, what is the issue with your scenario? There is no problem statement, and it isn’t clear where you are stuck with.

If I’m guessing correctly, you want to either update an existing item if it exists, or create a new record.

That’s what the error directive Resume allows you to do. First, you use a Search module to see if it exists, then Create a new item if it doesn’t exist. In the Create field, you use an if-statement to “ignore” a required field if there are search results, throwing an error and allowing you to “skip” the creation module.

The if (not-exist-create-ignore) throws the error (ignore if exists), which the Resume directive can be used to return the item from the Search module (to check if it exists).

I explained this in a similar older post Can I skip a module based on a filter? - #3 by samliew

Alternatively, you can also create filters for the two routes after the router, based on the number of results from the search module.

Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.


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