πŸ“š [Community Handbook p. 14] Setting Custom Status

Hey Makers :wave:

Here’s another bit to our Community Handbook mini-series!
Before we start, let’s revise what we’ve learned so far:

:person_red_hair: setting up a community profile
:mag_right: looking up info in the community
:speech_balloon: starting a conversation
:arrow_right_hook: replying and reacting
:white_check_mark: marking solutions
:mailbox_with_mail: sending DMs
:triangular_flag_on_post: flaggling posts
:calling: setting notifications
:bookmark: bookmarking posts
:face_in_clouds: hiding or blurring parts of your posts
:ballot_box: creating a poll
:art: formatting your content
:hammer_and_wrench: customizing community interface

Today, we’ll take a short look at setting up a community status.

:one: Click your profile icon in the top right corner and navigate to Set custom status

:two: Type in your status and feel free to add an emoji to your message. Afterward, set the period for which the status should be displayed.

Your status is displayed in your community profile:
