Hello everyone!
Imagine you are a manager at a real estate company. The company has an Airtable base that stores all the data about all apartments available for rent: address, pricing, sales pitch, photos and so on. The “so on” part might not be very important for your field sales agents—they would rather not have to sift through the database to get the information they need for their work. One of your (many) responsibilities is to prepare and keep updated an easily digestable document that contains only the relevant info about each property. As the company expands and acquires new properties, this gets more and more tedious and time-consuming. This is the kind of monotonous work that can be automated with a Plumsail Documents process.
Adding Make to the mix opens the door for more customization and more complex use cases. For example, you can set document generation to run every working hour, so that your colleagues have the most up-to-date info at their disposal at all times.
We explain all the setup steps here: Create PDF from Airtable records with image attachments. Step-by-step guide. The resulting scenario will look something like this: