Gong Watch New Call does not pick up latest calls

I’m using Gong Watch New Calls module but it does not pick up latest calls

I do have valid connection and when i now call id i can get the call info with other Gong moduels

But Watch new calls seems to be blind for all latest calls.

Also when i select Choose Manually it shows videos from 2021

Any ideas?

Hello @Andrii_Batutin and welcome to the Make Community!

This might be showing you ALL calls that it can access.
If you select Since a specific date, choose a recent date where you know there are calls, then run the module once, it should return some calls from that date up to the max you’ve specific elsewhere in the module’s configuration.

If you Run Once the module again, it should pick up more recent calls since those it returned earlier, again, up to your max. It will keep repeating that until there are no more recent calls.

Hope that makes sense, and hope it helps!