How can I separate json tags into variables?

Hello everyone,

I want to tell you that I am new to Make and despite the fact that he tried everything, he was not able to capture the data in a variable from a JSON sent by the dw application to use it in another part of the flow.

        "6": [
                "SystemField": true,
                "FieldName": "DWDOCID",
                "FieldLabel": "Document ID",
                "IsNull": false,
                "ReadOnly": false,
                "Item": 5823,
                "ItemElementName": "Int"
                "SystemField": true,
                "FieldName": "DWSECTIONCOUNT",
                "FieldLabel": "Section count",
                "IsNull": false,
                "ReadOnly": false,
                "Item": 1,
                "ItemElementName": "Int"
                "SystemField": true,
                "FieldName": "DWSTOREDATETIME",
                "FieldLabel": "Stored on",
                "IsNull": false,
                "ReadOnly": false,
                "Item": "2022-08-30T14:43:37.000Z",
                "ItemElementName": "DateTime"
                "SystemField": true,
                "FieldName": "DWMODDATETIME",
                "FieldLabel": "Modified on",
                "IsNull": false,
                "ReadOnly": false,
                "Item": "2022-08-30T14:44:15.000Z",
                "ItemElementName": "DateTime"
                "SystemField": true,
                "FieldName": "DWEXTENSION",
                "FieldLabel": "File type",
                "IsNull": false,
                "ReadOnly": false,
                "Item": ".xlsx",
                "ItemElementName": "String"
                "SystemField": true,
                "FieldName": "DWMODUSER",
                "FieldLabel": "Modified by",
                "IsNull": false,
                "ReadOnly": false,
                "Item": "HHTEQHB3",
                "ItemElementName": "String"
                "SystemField": true,
                "FieldName": "DWSTOREUSER",
                "FieldLabel": "Stored by",
                "IsNull": false,
                "ReadOnly": false,
                "Item": "HHTEQHB3",
                "ItemElementName": "String"
                "SystemField": true,
                "FieldName": "DWDOCSIZE",
                "FieldLabel": "Document size",
                "IsNull": false,
                "ReadOnly": false,
                "Item": 19520,
                "ItemElementName": "Int"
                "SystemField": true,
                "FieldName": "DWPAGECOUNT",
                "FieldLabel": "Section count",
                "IsNull": false,
                "ReadOnly": false,
                "Item": 1,
                "ItemElementName": "Int"
                "SystemField": true,
                "FieldName": "DWDISK",
                "FieldLabel": "Disk number",
                "IsNull": false,
                "ReadOnly": false,
                "Item": 1,
                "ItemElementName": "Int"
                "SystemField": true,
                "FieldName": "DWLASTACCESSUSER",
                "FieldLabel": "Last accessed by",
                "IsNull": false,
                "ReadOnly": false,
                "Item": "HHTEQHB3",
                "ItemElementName": "String"
                "SystemField": true,
                "FieldName": "DWLASTACCESSDATETIME",
                "FieldLabel": "Last accessed on",
                "IsNull": false,
                "ReadOnly": false,
                "Item": "2022-08-30T14:45:05.000Z",
                "ItemElementName": "DateTime"
                "SystemField": true,
                "FieldName": "DWDISKNO",
                "FieldLabel": "Disk number",
                "IsNull": false,
                "ReadOnly": false,
                "Item": 1,
                "ItemElementName": "Int"
                "SystemField": false,
                "FieldName": "CODIGO_INDICE",
                "FieldLabel": "ID Expendiente",
                "IsNull": false,
                "ReadOnly": false,
                "Item": 2,
                "ItemElementName": "Int"
                "SystemField": false,
                "FieldName": "TIPOS_DOCUMENTALES",
                "FieldLabel": "Tipo documental",
                "IsNull": false,
                "ReadOnly": false,
                "Item": "Prueba",
                "ItemElementName": "String"
                "SystemField": false,
                "FieldName": "DATE",
                "FieldLabel": "Fecha de documento",
                "IsNull": false,
                "ReadOnly": false,
                "Item": "2022-08-30",
                "ItemElementName": "Date"
                "SystemField": false,
                "FieldName": "ORDEN_DOCUMENTO",
                "FieldLabel": "Indice de documento",
                "IsNull": false,
                "ReadOnly": false,
                "Item": 0,
                "ItemElementName": "Int"
                "SystemField": false,
                "FieldName": "INDICE_INICIAL",
                "FieldLabel": "Indice inicial",
                "IsNull": true,
                "ReadOnly": false,
                "ItemElementName": "Int"
                "SystemField": false,
                "FieldName": "INDICE_FINAL",
                "FieldLabel": "Indice final",
                "IsNull": false,
                "ReadOnly": false,
                "Item": 3,
                "ItemElementName": "Int"
                "SystemField": false,
                "FieldName": "SOPORTE_FISICO",
                "FieldLabel": "Soporte fisico",
                "IsNull": true,
                "ReadOnly": false,
                "ItemElementName": "String"
                "SystemField": false,
                "FieldName": "SOPORTE_ELECTRONICO",
                "FieldLabel": "Soporte Electronico",
                "IsNull": true,
                "ReadOnly": false,
                "ItemElementName": "String"
                "SystemField": false,
                "FieldName": "VALOR_HUELLA",
                "FieldLabel": "Valor huella",
                "IsNull": false,
                "ReadOnly": false,
                "Item": "fb267adff70f107a0ac7803277d0c45b927d0d0646895747811203b4d9aef239",
                "ItemElementName": "String"
                "SystemField": false,
                "FieldName": "FUNCION_RESUMEN",
                "FieldLabel": "Funcion resumen",
                "IsNull": false,
                "ReadOnly": false,
                "Item": "SHA256",
                "ItemElementName": "String"
                "SystemField": true,
                "FieldName": "@CABINETNAME",
                "FieldLabel": "@CABINETNAME",
                "IsNull": false,
                "ReadOnly": false,
                "Item": "14. TRD",
                "ItemElementName": "String"

I get something like this and for example I want to capture in a variable called VALUE_FOOTPRINT the “item” “fb267adff70f107a0ac7803277d0c45b927d0d0646895747811203b4d9aef239”, to later insert it in an excel.

I greatly appreciate your help.`

Howdy @It2022 Welcome to the :make: Make Community!

Can you take a camera-viewfinder-duotone screenshot of your make scenario for me,
along with the relevant module configurations
and share-all-duotoneshare the images here?

so that I can see what you have tried so far :smiley:

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