I want to access some parameters in the webhook from other triggers to delete the webhook from my API.
There’s a category ID in an RPC. I want to use the CID in detach URL
Eg: www.example.com/api/{{parameters.catId}}/webhook/webhook.id
Thank you.
I want to access some parameters in the webhook from other triggers to delete the webhook from my API.
There’s a category ID in an RPC. I want to use the CID in detach URL
Eg: www.example.com/api/{{parameters.catId}}/webhook/webhook.id
Thank you.
Hi @Abhay_Aggarwal;
If the data position of CID is always the same, then why not use get(split(www.example.com/api/{{parameters.catId}}/webhook/webhook.id; /); 3)
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