How to automatically cut highlights from a Twitch/YouTube stream?

I’m looking for a way to automatically clip the last 30 seconds of my Twitch or YouTube stream when someone drops a specific emoji in chat. The goal is to save these clips directly to Google Drive/Dropbox without manual work.

I’ve seen some bots and third-party tools that can clip stuff, but I need something that works based on chat triggers (like a certain emote). Ideally, a script or automation that detects the emoji, triggers the clip, and uploads it to cloud storage.

Anyone knows a bot, script, or API solution that could pull this off? :thinking: Would love some ideas or even a workflow with Streamlabs, OBS, or Python if possible.

Appreciate any insights!

Interesting idea.

Are you thinking specifically of live events? YouTube has a LiveChatMessages endpoint that you can poll for messages on live events. You’ll need to dive deep into the API details to see if it will help. As there’s no module for this or an Make an API Call module for the YouTube app, you’d need to use the HTTP app.

If it can track emotes and timestamps, assuming your livestream is then published as a YouTube video you could use OpusClip to create the clip.

There is an OpusClip Community app on Make, or you could use the HTTP app again to talk direct to their API.