How to modify the value of a hidden field in Whatsapp API?

Hi, I’m building a bot with Make that communicates through Whatsapp API.
Basically I have an aggregator that should store Interactive Reply Button contents (ID and Title) and I map this aggregator inside the Whatsapp Send Message module.
What I noticed is that there is an hidden field inside the Interactive Button which is called “Button Type” that I can’t modify from the aggregator module. That problem is that without that field I get an error message (since I can’t modify it’s shown as empty) and I can’t go on with the execution.

In the images you can see that I can’t modify it in the aggregator module and the error
Is there a way to modify it or use a default value? Maybe I should use a JSON structure that I build myself and map it in Whatsapp Send Message moduel?

This section of the community is for “Custom Apps in”, meaning where you are building your own apps and modules.

But yes, if the data structure is preventing you from building as needed, you can use Create JSON / Aggregate to JSON depending on your needs. I prefer this method as it’s a bit easier to have full control of the structure. I do something similar for a custom Slack app.