Is this the most optimal flow?

What are you trying to achieve?

Hi all,

Despite all the fantastic material that is available on this community, youtube, tiktok etc. I’m still struggling a bit whether this is the most optimal approach I’ve taken.

I’m extracting time entries from an paginated api and I’ve finally been able to manage it, but I’m not sure whether this is the most optimal way of achieving it. I need to turn it into a json object, which I’ll be sending to an AI assistant for reviewing.

Steps taken so far

I’ve currently extracting all time entries (as I’m not able to filter via the API). I’m making a quick api request in the beginning to know the full number of entries in order to be able to calculate how many pages i need to call. In the iterater I’m filtering so I’m only receiving the relevant time entry categories. From here I’m just trying to get it in a json object in order to send it to the ai assistant.

Now for something that I assume should be fairly simple, I’ve build a fairly long flow. I’m sure that there are ways to optimize it as I’m most likely doing some redundant stuff. I often time seem to fallback to parsing the json, just simply to be able to easier work with it/turning them into variables ( in lack of a better way of explaining it).

I’d love to get peoples input to learn how to optimize it.


Screenshots: scenario setup, module configuration, errors

blueprint.json (37.4 KB)

Hi @Kasper,

Welcome to the Make community!

I haven’t checked your scenario in detail, but here are some remarks nonetheless:

  • There is no need to parse JSON after an HTTP module. In the HTTP module, you can enable the ‘Parse response’ setting.
  • Instead of an aggregator + transform to JSON + parse JSON, you can probably just use a JSON aggregator:


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Thanks, Henk! Really appreciate your input!