🤖 Comparing values in two arrays

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I am watching changed values in a column in my project management tool.
I’m now looking for a way of setting up two filters that would:

1)pass through only if id does not exist in the previous value
2)pass through only if id exists in the previous value


The following scenario will do the trick for you:​

  • The “Set multiple variables” module is there to take the ids from the input, enclose them in separate arrays and compare them.

  • The current value array is then split and each value (id) from there is considered only if it is contained inside the “previous value” array.

  • The second route of the scenario does the exact opposite, i.e. the id is considered only if it is not inside the previous array.

  • When setting up the filter, it’s important to select the “contains” / “does not contain” conditions from the Array operators section.

In case you wanna check out the scenario “from the inside” here’s the blueprint you can import into your editor:

blueprint_comparing_arrays.json (14.2 KB)

Helpful Links:
:make: Array in Help Center