Need help with CLickup relationships custom files

Building a custom form in clcikup, having problems pulling data form a relationship custom fields. Need a pro to help me jump this roadblock ASAP. It shoulnd take so long,

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Hello @Juan_Carlos_Aguirre, welcome to the community, we are a group of freelancers and would love to work with you on this, you can book a call Here to disscuss the project requirements and you can checkout my upwork profile Here

Juan, we can help. Book a time for us on Zoom to discuss further

Hi, Any chance you have any time available today?

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Yeah Juan, I am available now, you can pick an available time in my calendly

Your Calendry have no available slots for today?

Are you available for the call now Juan?

Hola @Juan_Carlos_Aguirre, estoy seguro que te puedo dar una mano. Tengo certification de Clickup, Airtable, Notion.

si sigues buscando ayuda, por favor bookea una llamada.

30 Min Meeting | Felipe Saucedo | website