Using Google Maps to match houses for sale in a Notion DB

Suppose I have a Notion database storing information about houses. Every house has a Address poperty with the full address.
Then I have a client db with a “desired location” property specifying where he wants to buy the house. Maybe there’s also a radius property specifying how distant from that location he’d like to live.

Can I use Make to search in the houses database and filter only the houses within the desired distance from the location?

I’m envisioning this:

  1. every time a house is added, search for the house with the Google Maps API and add its longitude and latitude to Notion
  2. when a client is added, scan the houses db
  3. for every house, compute the distance from the desired location of the client
  4. check if the distance is within the radius.

Is this feasible?

Yes, it should be doable.