I’m sending data to a webhook, but for some reason the webhook can’t receive that much data. Tell me how to increase the reception from the webhook and what limitations it has
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Here are the Custom Webhook limits according to the Make Help Center:
Make can process up to 30 incoming webhook requests per second. If you send more than 30 requests per second, the system returns an error with status code 429.
Make supports the following formats of incoming data: Query string, Form data, JSON
Make automatically deactivates webhooks that are not connected to any scenario for more than 5 days (120 hours). The hook return 410 Gone status code.
The timeout for sending a response is 40 seconds. If the response is not available within that period, Make returns a ‘200 Accepted’ status.
The maximum allowed webhook’s payload size (Content-Length) is 5 MB (5,242,880 bytes) regardless of the subscription tier.
The limit for the number of webhook queue items depends on your usage allowance, which is a part of your subscription. For every 10,000 operations licensed per month, you can have up to 667 items in each webhook’s queue. The maximum number is 10,000 items in the webhook’s queue.
Make stores webhook logs for 3 days. For the organizations on the Enterprise plan,Make keeps the webhook logs for 30 days. Make deletes logs older than other retention limit.
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To answer your question, you CANNOT increase the Webhook payload size limit, stated above.
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