Why does a Watch RSS feed trigger have a scheduleding?

Hi I am trying to post a tweet whenever a new blog article is posted on my website.
My scenario appears as not active if I do not schedule. What does it mean? That the posting of a tweet has to be scheduled in order to be executed?
I thought the watch rss would post as soon as a new blog articles is published… I am confused…


This is because the RSS " Watch RSS Feed Items" is a POLLING trigger, and not an INSTANT (Webhook) trigger.

Polling means Make checks external service for changes (pull changes to Make).

Webhook (instant) triggers means external service calls Make when there are new changes (push changes to Make).

RSS does not push changes — it’s basically a static file hosted on the web for anyone to check if there are new changes to the syndicated items.

For more information on trigger types, see https://www.make.com/en/help/modules/types-of-modules#triggers-935210