[400] Invalid model 'llama-3-8b-instruct'? How is that possible if it is actually permitted?

The operation failed with an error. [400] Invalid model ‘llama-3-8b-instruct’. Permitted models can be found in the documentation at Home - Perplexity.

How is that possible if it is actually permitted?

The same happened with Mixtral, and now it is happening with Llama, why?

Also, this drives me crazy, why every time I open a scenario to edit it ALL modules are cloned and duplicated automatically, each one above the other??

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i’m with the same problem!

I just encountered the same problem.
The operation failed with an error. [400] Invalid model ‘llama-3-sonar-large-32k-online’.

Here’s the Supported Models - Perplexity. When will Make update to the modules supported by Perplexity?

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Does anyone know how to fix this?

I’m 10 minutes into my first “Make” project and this. Can someone ask the AI to fix the AI already :slight_smile:

SOLUTION: In the perplexity module settings, instead of using a model in the dropdown, click the “Map” slide button and just paste in: llama-3.1-sonar-large-128k-online or whatever one you want to use, then it seems to work fine.

Screenshot: https://ibb.co/RgJSQT9


Thanks for your suggestion, but it seems my account still has the same error. But I wonder why I don’t have your module in my list. ?

I had the same problem on antrophic CLaude, and it took a long time to resolve.
Can we mention any make manager around here?

Hello everyone @here, thanks for raising this in the community.

It seems that Perplexity has deprecated the available models shown in the module.

Perplexity changelog

Could you please try to map one of the new models available,

for example,

If you have any follow-up questions, please open a ticket with us, and our support team will further assist you.

We apologize for any inconvenience and trouble this may be causing.

Thank you very much for your understanding. :pray:


Hi, thanks! What are the differences between the online and chat models? Which one should we prefer?

Hello again @BlackCubeLabs

The online model fetches real-time info from the web, while the chat model uses pre-trained data for conversations.

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