Adding TickTick task via Google Sheet - date not carrying across

I’m trying to add tasks to TickTick via a Google Sheet.

The input shows that the date is correctly formatted, but for some reason the date isn’t being included in the output bundle:


“title”: “NEW TEST”,
“dueDate”: “2024-04-01T09:00:00.000Z”,
“isAllDay”: false,
“projectId”: “654b42a1eaa89ef1f2d95f0f”,
“startDate”: “2024-04-01T09:00:00.000Z”


“id”: “65e8ac978f084dadb4dca562”,
“projectId”: “654b42a1eaa89ef1f2d95f0f”,
“sortOrder”: -2984075102388224,
“title”: “NEW TEST”,
“timeZone”: “Europe/London”,
“isAllDay”: false,
“priority”: 0,
“status”: 0,

Any ideas? Thanks!

This is likely a bug.

For quicker assistance with bugs and technical problems, you may want to contact support directly. They respond very quickly and update you frequently on the status of their investigation.

Hope you can share the resolution with us if you manage to solve this problem!

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Hello @Arthur_S_UK :wave:

It seems like this issue might have been related to a known problem on our end. You can find more details in this community topic.

We rolled out a fix a couple of days ago so hopefully, this resolves the issue for you too. Please give it a try on your end, and feel free to let us know how it goes. :pray:

I apologize for any trouble or inconvenience this may have caused.

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