Aggregate Email addresses fields blank or not to send an email

Hi all!

I have a quite simple scenario but I can’t find a solution to make it work.

Module 1: Airtable Watch Records.
Module 2: Array aggregator. I look for 10 fields, email type, and I want to aggregate them to be able to use this data for the modules 5 and 6 to send an email to all the email addresses. The first email address field will be 100% filled, but the next 9 may be empty.
Module 3: Airtable Search Records
Module 4: Router
Module 5: Microsoft 365 Email (Outlook), Create and Send a message. This is where I want to use the array from Module 2
Module 6: Same than Module 5

In attach 3 screenshots + blueprint.

Let me know if you need more info!

Thanks a lot.

blueprint (1).json (48.4 KB)

You should change the target structure of your Array.

You are not passing over the correct structure for it to send successfully.

You can set it in the aggregator by setting target structure type like I did below.


I tried different formulas for the Email Address field, but none works.
One of them in the screenshot.

Thank you.

you creating an array here with join you do not want to do that. You want to select the emails before you send them over the array aggregator creates the array for you. what you want to do is break down the line of emails in seperate bundles.

Use a map function then use an iterator over them then aggregate those.