Aggregator not Aggregating

I need to accept multiple bundles and return a single bundle to stop the rest of the scenario from running X amount of times. Everything should only run once, and I should be able to gather all the data from all bundles in a module.

This is how I thought Array Aggregators worked. I thought you could feed multiple bundles into them and have them aggregated. I was wrong I guess?

I have checked all the other topics on this. None apply to me. Most are selecting the wrong source module. I am 100% selecting the right one.

I tried setting variables. Nothing.

I tried adding a text aggregator. Nothing.

I tried using an iterator then an aggregator.

Yes, I did set the source module.

I even put JUST an aggregator in there.

I selected all three inputs.

And I selected none or 1 or 2.

No matter what I do, 13 bundles come in and 13 come out. Usually I use n8n but I’m using for a client, and I gotta say… This would be very easy elsewhere. Why is not capable of this simple task? Or is it me?

I have tried every which way and cannot simply get these 13 output bundles into a single input.

Is it because they are 13 individual bundles/runs? But that should still be doable somehow right? Are we limited to only results that have a single bundled input? I have seen others successfully do this so I am wondering why I am not allowed. Thank you.

What am I doing wrong? This seems like a super simple job and I know I’ve gotten this to work other times. Why won’t it work? Please help :frowning:
blueprint-26.json (30.2 KB)

I am leaving this up because it was not an intuitive solution.

  1. Though the multiple bundles are being OUTPUT from Images[6] the source of the repeating bundles is actually Headings[5] even though that module seems to only output 1 result.

  1. Because I saw 13 bundles coming out of Images, I assumed that had to be the Source Module. However it turns out it must be the one before it. This is highly counter-intuitive and not very well explained in any of the documentation or any questions.

All current solutions on the forum seem to indicate that the OP has simply selected the wrong module. That’s not the case. You can select the “right” module AKA the one that is causing the multiple bundles and still not get the solution.

Solution: Select the module BEFORE the multiple runs to actually stop multiple runs.


It seems unintuitive, but open up the Output of module [5], to see that the module actually is generating 13 OUTPUT bundles (even if you see a “1”, which means it ran one time).

So, it is correct that we should select the “Source Module” where the OUTPUT bundles are coming from.

For more information, see

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Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.

— @samliew

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