Airtable items to Freeagent Invoice

I am trying to create a scenario in that takes a record from Airtable and creates an invoice in

The issue is that the invoice has multiple line items, which are pulled through from airtable, but I don’t know how to iterate through the line items and create a structure that the invoice items field on the freeagent module is expecting.

I believe I need to iterate, and then create the json structure, but I don’t really have the experience to do that!

Here is my airtable output bundle and freeagent input bundle:

“FreeAgent Ref”: “3938630 copy copy”,
“Ready to Invoice”: true,
:popcorn: CAMPAIGN”: [
“Created Date”: “2024-09-28T07:29:18.000Z”,
“PO Fx”: [
“id”: “recRbBeP0SO9rqb26”,
“createdTime”: “2024-09-28T07:29:18.000Z”

And here’s the freeagent input bundle…

“contact”: “12121872”,
“project”: “3938630”,
“currency”: “GBP”,
“dated_on”: “2024-09-28T07:32:18.000Z”,
“po_reference”: "XXX ",
“invoice_items”: [
“price”: 2926,
“quantity”: 1,
“item_type”: “Products”,
“description”: “A”
“show_project_name”: true,
“payment_terms_in_days”: 15,
“send_new_invoice_emails”: false

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Hi @emurobot

This can be done in 30 mins. Please book a slot here.


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Hey @Msquare_Automation, that’s good to know, but I can’t find your pricing.

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Hey @emurobot

This seems simeple enough to implement on a live troubleshooting call. I do 90-minute paid support sessions and would be happy to tackle your issue.

Please find my paid booking here - click here

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It’s pay what you can :slight_smile:

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