🔥 App Update: Latest OpenAI capabilities available on Make

Hey Makers :wave:

Exciting news – our OpenAI app is now updated with the latest OpenAI capabilities! :tada:

When you combine the power of Make and AI, incredible things become possible. And now, we’ve added new modules with the latest OpenAI capabilities to Make - so there’s even more incredible to add to your workflows.

  • Vision: powerful image analysis.

  • DALL-E 3: exceptionally accurate image creation.

  • Text-to-Speech: lifelike audio.

  • GPT4 Turbo: the latest AI text model.

  • Plus a special bonus, Upload a File: a new Make module to simplify how you work with files in AI automation.

What magic will you unleash with the new OpenAI modules? :magic_wand: :tophat:

Share your creations with us!

Helpful Resources

:make: tutorial: Getting started with OpenAI GPT-3 and Make
:make: blog: ChatGPT Integrations: A Guide for Beginners
:make: community inspiration: 9 Days with OpenAI


Thanks for this. Can you please let me know when there will be an update for the following:

  • Updated help files to correct those with invalid instructions
  • Update to the Salesforce connection to prevent it from asking me to reconnect every 3-4 times
  • Microsoft modules that allow bulk transfer as make currently has non and so costs a lot of money to update spreadsheets and such

Hi Michael,

It’s unclear how we can use the Upload a File feature. Any information about how to use this module is not in any guides, and I have yet to find someone who has figured out how to utilize it in the Make community forums.

I’ve seen it used directly on the ChatGPT website, and it has many possible uses in Make that many are likely eager to use. Do you have any additional information about this feature?

Hi @Casey_Magee, thanks a lot for your feedback :pray:

I just wanted to let you know that our OpenAI documentation has been updated to also include info about the new modules.

You can check out the updated version over here :point_right: OpenAI (ChatGPT, Whisper, DALL-E).


When will you support Azure OpenAI?

Hello @dkindlund thank you for the suggestion :pray:

There is currently no specific ETA available for Azure AI.

However, you can log your request to our Idea Exchange → App Ideas. By doing so, you give other users the chance to vote for your idea and keep track of the feature’s progress.

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Any timeline on suppoerting “CustomGPTs”?

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I was wondering about it as well.

My guess is that the Assistant API (which is API equivalent of the Custom GPT) is still in Beta version. It also has a very awkward way of getting the responses back. Previously OpenAI modules would stream back the responses with Assistant API you need to poll the running tread until you get the response…

My implementation in make looks like this:

In the Open AI Docs they mention that they want to provide streaming responses, so likely that API will change.

You can check out my full video with the implementation here: