Hello Everyone ,
i would like to do an automatisation start with aircall as starting point. Well i’m working for a call center and every poeple who call someone has to tag the call (“busy”, wrong person", “…”). What i need to do is add all informations per day in a google sheet. So for each caller i would like to add a row in ma google with the name of the personn and the number of “busy” in a column, the number of “wrong person” in a column, etc…
So my first module is “search calls” with aricall to have all the calls of the day
my second module is a router to filter by business developper’s name
the third one is a array agregator to reduce the number of operations, bc we have a lot of calls per day
the last one is the moduel google sheet to add a row. But in every column i had this functions :
{{sum(map(6.array.tags; if(6.array.tags.name = “”“Standard - Pas de réponse”“”; 1; 0)))}} but doesn’t work, it always retunr 0 even if i have som calls with this tag.
I hope is approximatively clear and thank you for your help