Bland AI Call Log Help

I am looking to take a Google Sheet of phone numbers of my B2B customers and send them a status update to their orders. These status updates will come at night when their business is closed so they get them first thing in the morning. I know that these voice messages will not interact with another person, only a voicemail.

I’m new to and Bland AI so I need some “newbee” help.

How do I get this properly set up in and Bland AI? I do have a pathway created in Bland AI, but I am not sure if it is set up correctly.

Also, some of the machines may require to press 1,2, or 3 to leave a message, how to I write the appropriate prompt for that?

Thank you!

Hi John. Welcome to the community!

I’ll take the second part first - you’re less likely to find tips on prompting Bland AI here. You might be best asking in their Discord Community. I’m almost certain it would be possible to design a prompt that will navigate most voice menu systems.

I can help on the first part though! It’s pretty simple:

Search the Google Sheet for rows where your Phone Number column exists. Make sure you set a Limit so that it doesn’t run away by mistake and consume too many Make operations (maybe set this to just 2 during testing!):

This will extract each row as a separate “bundle”, running the following modules for each bundle in turn.

Map the contents of the Phone Number column from your sheet into the Phone Number field in the Bland Send a Call module:

Hit the schedule toggle at the bottom of the screen and select “Every day” and the time you want the scenario to run:

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