Brandfetch API Automation


I would like to build an automation that connects airtable records with the brandfetch API that grabs the company name from an airtable records, searches brandtech and returns the company logo to airtable.

I haven’t work with APIs directly. Has anybody done this already with Brandfetch or can somebody help me?

All the best,


Welcome to the Make community!

Make doesn’t have an integration for this third-party service.

If the external service has a Developer API Reference/Documentation then you should be able to integrate the endpoints in Make using the app’s universal module (Make an API call) or generic HTTP “Make a request” module.

If the external service allows you to register webhooks, then you can create a trigger to wait for incoming webhook requests in Make using the generic Webhook “Custom webhook” module.

You can also suggest for it to be made in the Idea exchange. Don’t forget to search for it first, just in case someone already suggested it, so that you don’t end up creating a duplicate.

If you need assistance in setting up the generic HTTP module, please provide additional information about what you have tried with regards to the external service’s Developer API Reference – how you are setting the connection up, a link to the endpoint are you trying to connect to, and what errors you are encountering.

You can also complete this brand new course/tutorial in the Make Academy on how to use external APIs — API calls with HTTP modules

  • API and Endpoints
  • Header and body
  • Multipart/form-data
  • OAuth 2.0

samliewrequest private consultation



thank you for your help. I checked the API documentation but struggled with the authentication Brand API
I don’t know how to add the bearer token for the authentication.

Authorization is the parameter Name, and Bearer <API_Key> is the Key