Breaking Up Long Text

Hey good people,

I’m using make to automate some client communications and need to break large text form submissions into 1000 character chunks. I feel like I’m on the right track but am a noob, so I’ve gotten stuck. I have a ‘substring’ set as follows in an ‘Iterator’ module.

{{substring(1.Enter your Text; 0; 1000)}}

Where I’m stuck is how to make this iterate to spit out separate strings for the entirety of the document. Any ideas?

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Hi @Leandrew_Dixon ,

For this purpose, you could use a repeater where you repeat as much as you need until your text is split into chunks of 1000 characters.

I uploaded a blueprint of a scenario where I implemented the same principle for a simple example.

blueprint (6).json (6.3 KB)

I hope this answers your question.

Glenn - Callinetic


Glenn, that is fantastic, man. Thanks so much for the suggestion and blueprint. I’ll give it a shot and let you know how it goes.