Building my Assistant

Hello everyone

I would like to use AI to build an assistant that processes content (links, PDFs, audio, etc.), summarizes it for me or prepares it for a newsletter. A read it later service on steroids, so to speak.

I would like to build a database for this content with the help of

I imagine that I find an artifact on LinkedIn, on Instagram, on a website, which I find interesting. I send this to an e-mail address. Make searches these emails for files and stores them, or for links and accesses the content of the link and stores it.

Is this possible? How would you proceed? Or does such a service already exist? :innocent:


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Hey @idotter
Welcome to the Make Community

Yes, It is possible

First Create Assistant from Open AI

You can add module Watch Emails

and then upload Attachment in Open AI’s ‘Upload a File’ module.

Add a module ‘Message an Assistant’ with the file id mapped in last module.

For the link attached in email you can use web scraping.

I attached blueprint for this.
blueprint (4).json (10.9 KB)

Sachin Shrivastava


Thank you @sachin.shrivastava

There are still some questions:

  • Could I also do it for custom GPTs or just assistants?
  • I didn’t see the file showing up in the OpenAI-Backend, should I ?
  • How do I access the assistant without coding? Is this possible with make?

Yes, You can do it by using OpenAI Assistant.

First open the OpenAI Platform website

Then click on Assistant

Create New Asisstant

Upload the pdf file in Files as shown in screenshot.

Then add module Message an Assistant of OpenAI

Here you can give prompts in message by selecting your assistant.



how can you use webscraping for the link that comes

and then send the data from that link (* what webscraper extracted )

to be uploaded to the files ( I am trying to upload files so my assistant uses it )

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