I have an easy-to-explain question (but I don’t know how to solve it): this assistant (see attached image) fetches links from the RSS, but if there are no new links, the generated array is empty and causes a bug in the ‘add row’ module of Sheets… Anyone? Thanks!
" IMLError
Function ‘prepareBodyForInsert’ finished with error! Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘match’)"
Hi, you need to add an error handler to the Google Sheets module.
Right-click on the Google Sheets module, choose “Add error handler” and select “ignore”. If you need a different handler, select other.
dear @momomomonmon
Problem is that I need to continue with the flow, and it seems that the “error handler” does not allow me to do that (see attached).
@Leonardo_Bertolucci , Do you at least get something like this when you have 0 bundle generated from array aggreg?
Can you post image of what happens when it’s empty and when there’s a result? Can you identify ANY element that makes a difference? Declaring a variable just after the ‘iterate’ module might be a dirty workaround.
I have this segment I’m using in my scenario to check if google sheet range is empty, kinda specific issue to google sheet formulas.
blueprint (7).json (12.4 KB)