Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'match') - Sheets

I have an easy-to-explain question (but I don’t know how to solve it): this assistant (see attached image) fetches links from the RSS, but if there are no new links, the generated array is empty and causes a bug in the ‘add row’ module of Sheets… Anyone? Thanks!

" IMLError

Function ‘prepareBodyForInsert’ finished with error! Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘match’)"

Hi, you need to add an error handler to the Google Sheets module.
Right-click on the Google Sheets module, choose “Add error handler” and select “ignore”. If you need a different handler, select other.

dear @momomomonmon
Problem is that I need to continue with the flow, and it seems that the “error handler” does not allow me to do that (see attached).

@Leonardo_Bertolucci , Do you at least get something like this when you have 0 bundle generated from array aggreg?

Can you post image of what happens when it’s empty and when there’s a result? Can you identify ANY element that makes a difference? Declaring a variable just after the ‘iterate’ module might be a dirty workaround.

I have this segment I’m using in my scenario to check if google sheet range is empty, kinda specific issue to google sheet formulas.
blueprint (7).json (12.4 KB)

Using “Resume” error handling module, you can continue a process.