Can't delete Webhook

Hi all,

I’m trying to delete a Webflow webhook (marked red) since Webflow evolved to version 2 of it’s api modules.


I already deleted the modules in all scenarios referring to this webhook. I exchanged them with the newer version (v2) of the module.

When I try to delete the webhook I get this error message:

Bildschirmfoto 2024-01-24 um 10.43.54

Before I successfully deleted some other webhooks of this kind (all connected to Webflow modules). This is the only webhook which causes an error.

My overall goal is to delete the Webflow connection which referres to the old api version (v1) but I can’t do this without deleting the connected webhooks first.

Does anybody know what to do?


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Ok, simple solution. I had to delete the queue of the webhook first. Maybe someone can profit from this information.



I remember having met this error message some weeks ago with the Custom Webhook module.
I solved this issue creating a temporary scenario that includes a module that uses the webhook I want to delete.
Then I deleted the webhook in the Webhooks section.
You will have an alert because a scenario uses this webhook, but never mind.
And then you delete the temporary scenario that was using the webhook you wanted to delete.

Hope it will help you


Hey there @tobimahony :wave:

So inspiring to see that you were able to crack it on your own! Congratulations on solving this!

Also thank you for remembering us and coming back here with the information. This way we keep our community neat and healthy for other users.

Thank you @Patricia_Dechandol for shedding some light on another approach. We appreciate it.

Keep up the great job peers! :cat_roomba: