Hello there, there is any practical way to chain multiple scenarios? (without http request/webhooks)
We are automating several areas, and we need to have granular control to the ends… As i see, a scenario is like a function in a normal programming language… they should be reused along multiple other scenarios…
I think that should be a fun way to do make even more useful!
I’m looking into the use of the Make API to create a process for handling the triggering of my discreet Scenarios in a sequence as opposed to relying on the scheduler or HTTP Post & Webhook modules as you say. Think of it as a Scenario Manager if you will.
The ideal is to set up the sequence and only allow the next Scenario in that sequence to fire when the previous one has completed successfully. I’m sure this is all doable via the Make API so I expect we’ll see many solutions come along that accomplish this in a number of ways!
Just my two cents, I agree, a “pass to scenario” module and “receive from scenario” module that takes an object and passes it through would be perfect - or takes JSON of course.