Hi All,
Having some issues here, I know ChatGPT is not a calculator, and I know its flaws when it comes to math. However, I am prompting model 4o both via Make.com and directly on the platform. When I give it the exact same prompt, the return values on make.com are inaccurate, but they are always correct when I prompt direct.
I am giving ChatGPT very simple data (7 Day Averages / 14 day etc.) one at a time. It then returns it in a single bullet point in my google sheet.
Am I doing something wrong?
Using this data, calculate the average amount spent over 7 days.
//Data From Make//
Return the result in this format:
- Daily Budget: £XXXX
- Average Daily Spend over 7D: £XXXX
The data looks like this for one day:
Date: 2024-09-20
Campaign Budget: £7,000.00
Amount Spent: £5,323.66
Thanks all