Here’s my scenario. I am getting all the comments in a Zendesk ticket and adding them as a new row in Google sheet. It works fine but consuming too many operations.
I want to concatenate all the comments for a ticket and add only one row per ticket. Any suggestions on how to achieve it?
Each comment from the List comments node appears as a bundle (as shown in the figure below). Please help in optimising this scenario.
Yes, you can use the new Google Sheets / Bulk Add Rows (Advanced).
It allow you to make a single call to add all rows.
To do it:
right-click the link between “Zendesk” and your current “Google Sheets / Add a Row” => select “Add a module”. Add “Google Sheets / Bulk Add Rows”
Click ID Finder and search your Google Sheet
unselect the little “map” button besides Sheet Name, and then select your sheet
for column range, select A-Z
DO NOT set anything for “Rows” yet (you’ll come back to it after)
click OK
right-click your current “Add a Row” and delete the module
Now, right-click on the link between “Zendesk” and the new “Bulk Add Rows” => click “Add a Module”
Select Flow Control / Array Aggregator
In Source Module, select your “Zendesk/List Ticket’s comments”
in Target Structure type, open the combo and select “Rows”
Now, you have to add as many columns as you have fields in your Spreadhseet. You will see that each time is says “Column 1”, “Column 2”, … => In each, map the corresponding fields from Zendesk comments
Click OK
Open again “Bulk Add rows”, in the fields “Rows”, map the new “Array” from the aggregator.