Conditional error handling using the module

Hi there,

How to handle errors conditionally?

In my image processing workflow, I am using the module to remove backgrounds from images.

If the module returns “[400] Could not identify foreground in image. For details and recommendations see” I want the scenario to continue with the next module, using different input (from the output of the module before the module instead of the module). If it returns any other error, such as “[402] Insufficient credits”, I want the a message to be sent to a Slack channel and it is ok for the scenario to stop execution in that case.


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Hi @cd,

When you add an error handler to a module, you can add any module you like on the error route. This includes routers, and between each module you can add filters just like you are able to in the main route. This way you can assign different actions for different error messages.

Please read the documentation for the error directives:


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Hi @cd

Please find the solution here.

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