Connecting Webflow to Sendgrid

I am working on a scenario to connect Webflow to Sendgrid. Whenever someone enters their email on our webflow form, I would like for that email to be added to Sendgrid. I’m running into an issue with the sendgrid side. Whenever I set up the sendgrid module, it requires me to enter an email address. When I do, and test the connection, only the email I entered is added to Sendgrid. Does anyone know how to get all of the emails that come through webflow to automatically add to sendgrid?

Hi @Guava,

You need to map the email field from your Webflow module using the mapping panel instead of entering a static email address. It should look like that:




I am trying to add the contacts from Webflow to Sendgrid. This is what I see, It doesnt have an option to use a static email address.