I need to take this:
Item: LUX_FUR TAG:N/A_CH-01_S-6014_Urban Oak, WF-13_Arc-Com, Sherlock, Ice Blue #10_DV1_Arc-Com, Sherlock, Ice Blue #10_DV2_Antique Brass, MT-3_Lobby 001_note, count: 3
remove this LUX_FUR TAG:N/A_
and get this:
tag: CH-01
item: S-6014
finish: Urban Oak, WF-13
fabric1: Arc-Com, Sherlock, Ice Blue #10
code1: DV1
fabric2: Arc-Com, Sherlock, Ice Blue #10
code2: DV2
hardware: Antique Brass, MT-3
location: Lobby 001
notes: note
count: 3
please help me i am new to make
I really want to attach a photo but the site gives an error, the last thing I have is an iterator that returns bundles with CH-01, S-6014, Urban Oak, WF-13 values etc after split