Converting plain text to a PDF file + reformat a block of text


I’m curious how can convert a plain text output into a PDF file? I have an automation that generates a text output from OpenAI and I’m not sure how to get into a PDF form.

Also the text output isn’t formatted so I it ends up looking like the attached image. Would appreciate any help!

Ok I think I figured out an initial fix for the markdown issue. Just used a markdown to HTML convertor and it shows up much better. Still not sure how to more specifically reformat that text. So any more in-depth detailed solution would be awesome!

Hey there.

If you have access to Google Docs: you can use Make’s Google Doc step to create a Google Doc with your plain text, then add an additional step to download the google doc as a PDF file. You can then allocate as needed.

This is the easiest “free” way I’ve found.

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epic! I will give this a try

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