Cost-Effective solutions for JSON to Text or HTML

Hello there!

I’m receiving a JSON from a Ai assisted web search. My idea is to make this part of a bigger blog automation so I would need to have it in a nice HTML or readable TEXT at least

What function may I use? As you may see in the pic I was trying with text parser but not sure the best way (Im sure there should be an automatic function that converts standard JSON to Readable text)

Hey @Martin_W
Welcome to the Make Community

You can use Parse JSON Module
Fetch the data that you want from that JSON

Send that Data to ChatGPT and give prompt to Format it in HTML Format

Then Create a Document in Google Docs

Sachin Shrivastava

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Hey! first, thanks for the heads up!

I tried the JSON module, as depicted in the image below

but the parsed document (see image)

Is way much shorter than the entire document

How can I parse the FULL document?

If you parse JSON you will get all data that includes in JSON.
Can You show me more details about it


This is the API answer with data for the query “Sheraton Mexico City”

This is the step with the JSON parser

(I haven’t modified anything from the default)

And this is the output (i think i should merge all the bundles as it’s taking only one of it for creating the WORD document)

This is how Im trying to put it out in a word for example

How can I re-merge every piece of the parsed text?

You can use Text Aggregrator Module and fetch all things that you want like title, description, snippet.


Thx for jumping in @sachin.shrivastava !

The problem Im facing is that it only reads the first snippets (it has 10… for the full text)

Use map and get function


Get Map Function

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