Count and store the number of opertaions of several modules

My scenario aims to extract data from emails received every 24 hours using regex with Match Pattern modules (I don’t want to use ChatGPT as it would be too resource-intensive; I’ve tested it), and then structure this data in a Google Sheet.

Each Match Pattern module corresponds to a regex to fetch a specific data point from the email (e.g., session name, email, etc. to give you examples).

However, I’ve noticed that some Match Pattern modules return fewer operations than the previous ones (as shown in the picture above, the number of operations drops from 8 to 4 between the first two modules). Upon investigation, I realized that some regex patterns don’t work and return nothing when the email changes slightly. The issue is that the other modules then don’t process all the emails (in this case, they only process 4 instead of the initial 8 because the “session name” module failed to find the session name in 4 emails).

After iterations, I believe I’ve now obtained the correct regex for each module. However, as a precaution, I want to set up a safeguard that sends me an email if the number of operations in the final Google Sheet is different from the number of operations in my first Match Pattern module, which would indicate that one of the regex patterns has a “blind spot.”

Is there a way to store the number of operations of the Google Sheet module and compare it to the number of operations in the first Match pattern module?

Additional note:
I’ve tried the Increment module but it outputs multiple operations (see below), and I can’t figure out how to store the output (the “i”) of the last operation into a variable, regardless of the number of operations it outputs.

Hi there,

Any idea on this one?

That would be great!

Thanks a lot !