Create a Google Keyword Planner search

Hi, communiti! I’m trying to create an automation, from a Watch Row from Google Sheets, where I give input on this google sheet like (Country, keywords, and maybe a site), and get the connection with Google Ads Management, in order to get a Keyword search result from the Google ads Keywrod planner.

However, I don’t know which connection is the proper one, nor how to reach the google Keyword Planner from a make connection.

Has anyone done it or done something similar?

Welcome to the Make community!

Google Ads have a Keyword Planning API, which includes Keyword Ideas.

The Make an API call page tells you how you can set up a connection to the Google API and perform a REST request.

You can also complete this brand new course/tutorial in the Make Academy on how to use external APIs — API calls with HTTP modules

  • API and Endpoints
  • Header and body
  • Multipart/form-data
  • OAuth 2.0

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