Hello. I’m new to Make and I’m struggling a bit.
Can please someone help me creating a new scenario and tell me, which modules and what triggers/actions I need. The scenario is the following:
First I should get to an Excel file that is in my OneDrive. I should be able to use the datas in the fields.
Then I have to open a website with an URL that I can put manually. On this website I should put in one of the fields the datas that are in one Excel cell. Also on this website there is the possibility to filter the period of time for the informations I need to get, in my example it should be in the last 24 hours. Is it possible to do it with Make?
After the datas from the Excel are successfully put in this website there should be two options: Either there are no informations, or there are some. This website is a national website that gives notifications about national entreprises, so this is why there is the possibility that in the last day no new notifications pop up.
After that, if there are some new notifications I need to send an e-mail with the content “positive”. If there are no new notifications an email wth the content “negative”.
To sum it up again, I need the right modules, connections and triggers/actions for this scenario. The first step is Excel, then the website and finally the e-mails.
Thank you in advance.