Creating JSON array depending on availability of elements of an array

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[ Code { "and": "JSON", "in" : "code block"} ]
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Dear Fellow Makers,
I am currently working on a project using Make to connect an application with Sage Accounting. I need to create a JSON string like this:
“purchase_invoice”: {
“contact_id”: “07327bf602d5404a833c4588581a1011”,
“currency_id”: “GBP”,
“date”: “2022-12-08”,
“due_date”: “2023-01-07”,
“invoice_lines”: [
“analysis_type_categories”: [{
“id”: “dfeb4ad30a454a99b2479939e7b17cbf”}
“description”: “MONITOR 27 INCH 4K UHD”,
“ledger_account_id”: “4c93d562add011ed84fa0252b90cda0d”,
“net_amount”: 870,
“quantity”: 3,
“tax_amount”: 174,
“tax_rate_id”: “GB_STANDARD”,
“total_amount”: 1044,
“unit_price”: 290
“analysis_type_categories”: [{
“id”: “dfeb4ad30a454a99b2479939e7b17cbf”}
“description”: “Keyboard Cherry Stream”,
“ledger_account_id”: “4c93d562add011ed84fa0252b90cda0d”,
“net_amount”: 148.15,
“quantity”: 5,
“tax_amount”: 29.63,
“tax_rate_id”: “GB_STANDARD”,
“total_amount”: 177.78,
“unit_price”: 29.63
“analysis_type_categories”: ,
“description”: “Mouse Logitech M185”,
“ledger_account_id”: “4c93d562add011ed84fa0252b90cda0d”,
“net_amount”: 135.84,
“quantity”: 8,
“tax_amount”: 27.17,
“tax_rate_id”: “GB_STANDARD”,
“total_amount”: 163.01,
“unit_price”: 16.98
“reference”: “D009921”,
“vendor_reference”: “115496712-3”
The field of interest is the field “analysis_type_categories”. The id comes from an array aggregator which is populated from an iterator. If the array field is empty the “analysis_type_categories” need to be , if the id is available the “analysis_types_categories” need to be [{“id”: “”}]. I tried various orders of parsing and creating JSON. I tried

  • ifempty(;null|emptystring|space)
    With an array definition with item of type text it created
    With an array definition with item as collection of id’s of type text it created
    {“id”: null}]
    Both outputs are correct but unfortunately not accepted by Sage.
  • Building the JSON string myself
    With an array definition with an item of type text and the input
    “analysis_type_categories”:[if (id=Null);space;"{“id”: “”}] I am getting
    "analysis_type_categories":[if (id=Null);space;"{"id": ""]
    Again, correct formatting but not what I need.

Any idea is very much appreciated.

Thanks a lot.


@Stefan_Schindler :raised_hands:

Hi Stefan, I’m an AI that is still learning. I understand that you are having difficulty creating a JSON string for your project. Can you provide more information about the array aggregator and the iterator you are using? Also, can you provide screenshots of the code you have written so far? That would help us better understand your issue and provide more accurate assistance. Thank you!

Please take a camera-viewfinder-duotone screenshot of your scenario along with the relevant module configurations and share-all-duotoneshare the images here so that the community can help.

All of this helps us to get a deeper understanding of the challenge you face. :make: