Date filtering issue

Hello all,

Thanks in advance for your help.

I’m stuck with the date filter. I thought having done well things, but it looks to be not the case.

Is it a question of format ? I’m actually using the French/European format but I don’t think that’s the problem.

As you can see in the screenshot, I’m currently comparing two date, the paiement date and the arrival date. If the paiement date is earlier, it goes to one route, if it’s later than, it goes to the other route.

But none of them are detected as correct whereas you can see that my dates format are correct. I don’t know where might be my error.

Thanks in advance for your help !

Hey @Vivien_Chantrel

Use 10/01/2024 instead of 10/01/24

it will work
Screenshot 2024-01-23 003213
Screenshot 2024-01-23 003107


Make sure your Data is an actual Date using the parsedate function and make sure to select the filter greater than for dates not numbers

I have no words, thanks for having answered…

That was so simple, spent one afternoon for that.
Feel ridiculous.

Thanks again !

Have a lovely day.