Disabling Email-Password Login to Make Community

Hello Makers :wave:

:loudspeaker: Starting July 9, email and password logins will be disabled for the Make Community.
Continue reading to learn how this change affects you.

This information has also been sent to all relevant community users via email:

Due to security reasons, starting on July 9, we will disable the option to log into the Make Community using an email and password. After this date, you will only be able to access the community through SSO authentication using your Make account.

If you want to keep access to your existing Make Community profile, please make sure that the email address associated with it matches the one used in your Make account. This step is necessary for proper account pairing.

After July 9, if you log in with a Make account that is not linked to an existing community profile, we won’t be able to connect them. As a result, a new community profile will be created, and you will lose access to your community history.

If you don’t have a Make account, you will still be able to search and read the community content. To participate in discussions, consider trying our free plan to enjoy the community to the fullest.

For more details on how to update your email address in your Make Community profile or your Make account, see the instructions below or this documentation guide.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Instructions on changing your email address in the community:

:one: Navigate to “Preferences” in your community profile.


:two: In the “Account” tab, update your email address to match the one you use in Make.

:three: Confirm your new email address through the confirmation email sent to your inbox.

:four: From now on, use the “Sign in with Make” option to access the community.



Hi @Michaela,

Just to be super clear, logging in to the Make platform itself isn’t changing and we’ll still be using email and password if that’s what we are currently using?

Thank you!

Hello @Donald_Mitchell thanks a lot for the question :pray:

That is correct. The changes only apply to the Make Community forum.

1 Like

Was the forum hacked recently to prompt this change? Usually, providing some background information will help others process and accept the change.

Thanks for the question, Sam.

No, the forum was not hacked. However, as the community grows, we are seeing an increase in spam and fake profiles. We are taking these steps to ensure a clean and safe environment so that all Makers can engage with the community without interruptions.