I might be oversimplifying, but it looks to me from the screenshot following “This is the flow I’m trying to find a solution for” that the issue is that your mapped data contains double quotes.
You have:
“columnValue”: “Otto Fuchs Dülken KM “Staub” AVV-100604”
The double quotes around Staub need to be escaped. It also looks like there’s trailing whitespace or newlines.
In your Parse JSON module, for the relevant mapped parameters, you should wrap those in a function to escape the double quote, and a function to remove trailing whitespace.
The regular replace() function with simple strings doesn’t process the backslash (\) character. But when you use a regex it does.
So that would look something like:
trim(replace(124.D ; /“/g ; \”))
Here, the /"/g is a regex pattern that matches a double quote. The trailing ‘g’ forces it to be applied “globally”, ie to repeat the match as many times as needed.
You are right, CREATE JSON does this automatically but I cannot fit a data structure into that module. It doesnt accept. My data types are going like this:
and, so forth for others as well if there are other variants to columnValue. After JSON is created, you then need to use replace to replace,
columnValueTypeDateTime, columnValueTypeCheckbox to columnValue.
I need to test this out as per my previous experience with Make Data Structure, it will return null values if the fields are not set inside the collection. You should be able to use ignore for such cases, but need to review how Make reformat that as well.