Does the Make.com blog have an RSS feed?
I’ve tried the following urls without success:
Please suggest, thanks!
Does the Make.com blog have an RSS feed?
I’ve tried the following urls without success:
Please suggest, thanks!
Welcome to the Make community!
The Make blog does not have an RSS feed. Look at my posts for a workaround.
Hello @Ankit_Chandna welcome to the Make Community
Just stepping in to share a link to the post @samliew is referring to.
Thanks @samliew and @Michaela - This helps, I am after getting the content of the blog. How can I get that?
I content structure of the blog is via Json - is there an easier way to extract just the blog plain text?
I could use chatgpt for this but it uses a lot of tokens and not a very smart way of achieving this.
Any help on this please? thanks!