Download file from url with multiple redirects

Hello Comunity,

I’m trying to dowload a file from a url. When I write this url in my webbroser it’s goes through direferts links and finaly I can download de file. This happen in my browser automaticly. However, If I use “Resolve a target url” from HTTP module in MAKE, stops in the first link. If i put another module afeter de first one it doesn’t give me another resolved url…
Does anybody know how to solve this?
Thank you very much

Howdy @D_Leon Welcome to the community!

Are you able to share the URL here for me to troubleshoot?
(e.g. is it a public URL, and is it to safe to share, no personally identifiable information.)

Hello @JugaadiTech ,

I’ve already solve it. I parsed the data seeking for the url I had to download. It’s quiete hard to learn about regular expressions but Francisco from Make helped me to find the solution.

Thank you for the interest you had in my problem :wink:


Glad you got it figured out :smiley:

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