Email Module sending multiple emails at once

I have 2 Scenario:

  • Main: Captures the changes in a Jira Ticket
  • Sub: fired from Main after filtering.

The Sub Scenario email module is sometimes sending 2 or even 3 Mails insted of 1. This is happening randomly. I tested it on multiple cases, nothing really showing the reason.
Even the email Modules is saying that only one message is sent.
I even tried re-running the same run cuased the issue, it sent only 1 email (after the bugged run)
I am using the message-id as header to reply to the same email, not sure if this have any thing to do with the issue.
Any Idea?

Main Scenario:

Sub scenario:

Email Module settings:

Run Logs:
This is the run log of the main scenario:

This is the run log where the issue happend: