Empty apps dropdown when creating webhooks automatically

What are you trying to achieve?

Create a webhook automatically and assign it to a scenario that is created automatically

Steps taken so far

I have successfully created the scenario without a webhook and now am trying to create the webhook via the create or update webhook module. What happens is that once I fill in the information on the module and press the drop down button for “apps” nothing shows up. Mind you i have monday connected to my make account and have already exisitng scenarios that utilize webhooks so this might not be a connection issue.

Screenshots: scenario setup, module configuration, errors

Hi @Daniel14,

This module is specifically for updating webhooks of a Custom App:

The ‘Create hook’ and ‘Update hook’ endpoints of the Make API don’t define a parameter for App, you can probably use these for setting up your webhook: https://www.make.com/en/api-documentation/hooks
