Error handling and resume after 10min to proceed


I have multiples HTTP request and every 6000 API requests, I get an 429 error, which is normal because of API limitation.

Please check below a part of my scenario :

On each HTTP request, I want to be able to catch 429 errors, pause the scenario and restart at the same place 10min after (after limitation is gone). How do I do that ?

Thank you,

You can do that using the Break error directive.

Handle errors so scenarios don’t stop.

You might want to add some error handling to your modules to handle exceptions, so the failing module(s) can automatically be retried or ignored. By handling any errors by adding a “Error handler” to the module, the scenario won’t throw an error and get turned off.

Error directives can only be added to an error handler route.

1. Right click and select “Add error handler”


2. Error handlers will appear

For more information on error handling, see:

Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.


P.S.: Investing some effort into the Make Academy will save you lots of time and frustration using Make.

Thank you.

Yes I read about that but I don’t really know what is the best solution for me.

Could you show me on Make what is the best way to do it regarding my needs ?

Please check below what I did, is it sufficient ?

Thank you,