Error in Google Sheets Module: Can't Understand the Issue


I’m experiencing an issue with a scenario that keeps throwing an error in the Google Sheets module, causing it to break. I can’t pinpoint the reason for the error. When I manually re-run the scenario once or twice, it works without issue.

The error message is quite lengthy, but I’ve attached a portion of it along with an image for reference.


Error 502 (Server Error)!!1 *{margin:0;padding:0}html,code{font:15px/22px arial,sans-serif}html{background:#fff;color:#222;padding:15px}body{margin:7% auto 0;max-width:390px;min-........."



I’m getting the same thing. Anyone found out what is going on?

Same here. Make support has confirmed that their dev team is aware of this issue and the issue is on Google’s side. I’d recommend turning on “Store incomplete executions” and use Break error handlers until they’ve resolved it. (I’d recommend those 2 things with Google modules in general though.)


Thanks for the update @TFisch.

They have claimed the google drive issue is fixed, which it is, but this issue is still an ongoing problem. I have implemented work arounds in my scenario. Wiating for update from make. also same problem happening at zapier:

Ever since google added new subprocessors this week…yeeesh! I don’t know if its related, but my Chrome has had weird pixel issues, this google api is cuasing havoc, and google is just slow in general. too big for its own good, house of cards LOL :rofl:

I’m having the same problem.

I’m also experiencing this issue

I’m also noticing an increase in 502 errors.

Has anyone got any workaround or recommendations? I have too many apps reliant on this integration working seamlessly.

I’m getting this on a daily basis, causing me all kinds of inconvenience and problems!

Hi guys! I’m facing the same issue in power bi service when it tries to update data from google sheets!
I’m facing it since the last tuesday (24)…do you have news about that?

I’m still facing the same issue here. My scenarios are constantly breaking, like every 2-5 minutes.

Please, are there any updates on this? Thank you!

The same and I have a lot of scenarios. :roll_eyes:

One of my clients has gotten HUNDREDS OF GOOGLE SHEETS ERRORS just like this over the last 2-3 weeks. This is driving my client insane. Make, please fix your relationship with Google so they do not block you like this!

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Has anybody else opened up a support ticket with Make about this? All of my clients have opened up support tickets with Make, but Make Tech Support is refusing to admit that there is a problem.

Hey @here

We apologize for all the trouble this issue has caused.

Our developers are aware of this issue and detected that it originated from Google. This issue is currently still under investigation and we are actively searching for a solution.

We will update you as soon as possible. Thank you for understanding. :pray:

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Thank you, please make an incident in the status page so we can all collectively follow there instead of hunting through threads.

Yeah we really need an update on this please.


Hello @here

I’m bearing an update for you!

The issue you are experiencing is related to an error with a Google service, which, unfortunately, is beyond our control.

However, we’ve implemented a solution to handle this by treating the error as a ConnectionError. This approach allows the scenario to automatically retry in case of a 502 error.

Thank you for your support and understanding :pray:

Thank you, is there a way to track the issue through google, do they have a service page specific to this? Do you know if they are planning to provide further resolution or is this the new normal?